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AKSHAR CHUG- Photography Contest Winner


1. What is your favorite subject of photography ?

Mainly I like to capture photographs of wildlife around us. I visit zoological parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries and National parks for most of my work. Also I like to capture Nature too.

2. Whose work has influenced you most?

Many photographers have left me astonished by their work. I really appreciate their work. Especially Sudhir Shivaram sirs photography inspires me a lot.

3. Among your works, which one is your favorite? Why?

Out of many photographs which i have clicked this one is by far most loved one. The reason behind it is simple, it portrays peace of mind and the i personally like its composition.

4. Anything you would like to say to the readers?

My message to the readers would be find out the hidden artist in you. Find out what you love and enjoy. Also I would suggest them to show support to the work of the young and emerging professionals by sharing the magazine to our friends and family.

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